funny thing is, i used to love the mcspicy, but it sucks now. for some reason, all the chicken patties taste different. they aren't as meaty and juicy anymore. in fact, it seems like they're replacing the meat with (gasp!) flour. holy cheap cost cutting strategies batman!
yeah, and i've tried the chicken several times. BOTH the double ones and the regular ones. and they don't taste as good as before. something fishy is going on here.
then now you got the BK stackers stuff too. i haven't tried it yet, but i'm sure it'll be pretty good.
why am i bringing this up? i don't know. i never thought super sizing stuff was such a good idea. well i like lots of food, but in general, it's not really healthy for the general public. i know, i know, you're thinking since when did i care about health? who gives a damn anyway. but then again, it is important. if you keep eating crap all the time, one day you're going to either get diebetes, or hypertension, or heart disease and you're not going to be able to eat the foods you love. well i guess you could. my uncle has had 3 heart bypasses and still eats crap everyday. talk about food lover.
i guess asians for most part don't seem to have the genes for getting fat. the general population as least. look at all the skinny girls at mcdonalds. i used to wonder how these chicks could eat so much crap and never get fat. then i discovered the solution. the singaporean skinny girl diet plan. it's a simple 2 part plan. here you go. are you ready?
1) starve all day
2) eat a tiny bit of crap for dinner (1-2 slices of pizza)
this way, you get to eat yummy oily foods and stay fabulously skinny. who would have thought?
funny thing is, i was at carls the other day, and a significant portion of them were fat. i guess maybe, just maybe, they were eating a tad bit too much?
but why am i even bringing this up. i guess partly it's cause i used to be a FFB. (former fat boy). yeah. so things like this are sensitive to me. i have no qualms about people who eat crap and can still stay healthy and not get out of shape. but for those of you who can't, be careful. otherwise sooner or later you'll end up looking like the fat purple dude from the cartoon. and the dudes below.

enough said. more food adventures coming up.
Hi, totally agreed with you about the mcspicy burger. Had it recently and the chicken just isnt juicy anymore. Lousy.
i need to try this again to see whether they got better. how unfortunate.
ok I just bumped into this blog by chance and boy you are right about the skinnygirl diet. xD The pic at the end is rather hilarious, I must say! lol
haha.. i'm glad you think so. i must admit that it's a horrible diet. but it seems to be working nonetheless.
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